A list of all Friends that generate Orange (Honesty) power. See also Category:Orange (Honesty) Mane Characters.
Card | Type | Power | Color | Cost | Requirements | Release Info |
Gala Appleby, Refined Farmer | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | 1 Orange |
Apple Cobbler, Headstrong | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Plant Leader | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange | |
Applejack, Barn Raiser | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange | |
Auntie Applesauce, Gum Flapper | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | None | |
Cherry Jubilee, Queen of the Hill | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | None | |
Coco Crusoe, Thick Skinned | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | None |
Granny Smith, Apple Elder | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange | |
Igneous Rock, Pebble Pusher | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | 2 Orange |
Drill Bit, Destruction Worker | Friend | 3 | Orange | 4 | 2 Orange | |
Full Steam, Smoke Stacked | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | None |
Silver Spanner, Nuts for Bolts | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Red Gala, Favorite Cousin | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | None |
Sunny Smiles, Iconic Friend | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Night Watch, Vigilant Patrol | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Big Mac, Immense Apple | Friend | 4 | Orange | 5 | 2 Orange |
Ship Shape, Heavy Lifter | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Applejack, Farm Foremare | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Element of Honesty | Friend | 5 | Orange | 6 | 6 Orange |
Apple Cobbler (GenCon) | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | None | |
Applejack (GenCon) | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange | |
Cherry Jubilee (GenCon) | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | None | |
Crafty Crate (GenCon) | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | None | |
Granny Smith (GenCon) | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange | |
Jack Hammer (GenCon) | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | None | |
Big Mac, Biggest Brother | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 3 Orange |
Daisy, Mousy Mare | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | None |
Cherry Fizzy, Stalwart Soldier | Friend | 4 | Orange | 5 | 3 Orange |
Golden Harvest, Beyond Her Garden | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Joe, Doughnuteer | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | None |
Granny Smith, Jar Judger | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Apple Bumpkin, Caramel Coater | Friend | 3 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Cloudy Quartz, Concerned Mother | Friend | 0 | Orange | 1 | 1 Orange |
Doc Top, Pony Pediatrician | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Steam Roller, Juggernaut | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Applebucker | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Bags Valet, Luggage Lackey | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | None |
Earth Pony Royal Guard, Arresting Officer | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Fast Clip, Drill Instructor | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 3 Orange |
Hayseed Turnip Truck, "A" For Effort | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Apple Strudel, Well Aged | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Applejack, Summer Sun Caterer | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange | |
Pinkie Pie, Apple Family Member | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Maud Pie, Like a Rock | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 4 Orange |
Tall Tale, Too Tall | Friend | 6 | Orange | 8 | 4 Orange |
Applejack, Crystallized | Friend | 1 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Apple Bloom, Showstopper | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Breeziefied | Friend | 0 | Orange | 0 | 2 Orange |
Cranky Doodle Donkey, Crankiest of Creatures | Friend | 0 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Elbow Grease, Street Sweeper | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | None |
Royal Peacekeeper, Watchful Eye | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | 4 Orange |
Sheriff Silverstar, Confident Constable | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | None |
Silverspeed, Eye in the Sky | Friend | 3 | Orange | 4 | 3 Orange |
Spike, Statuesque | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Thunderlane, Nerves of Steel | Friend | 1 | Orange | 3 | 4 Orange |
Winona, Dependable Pet | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Pie Sisters, Two of a Kind | Friend | 3 | Orange | 4 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Carbo-Loader | Friend | 4 | Orange | 3 | 4 Orange |
Defenders of Equestria, Royal Pony Sisters | Friend | 5 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Maud Pie, Like a Rock (The Crystal Games Promo) | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 4 Orange |
Maud Pie, Let's Play "Camouflage" | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Princess Luna, The Sandmare | Friend | 4 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Daisy, Fickle Salesmare | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Granny Smith, Respect Your Elders | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Farm Foremare (Premiere Promo) | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Iron Will, Attack the Day | Friend | 3 | Orange | 2 | 4 Orange |
Applejack, Lasso Champion | Friend | 5 | Orange | 4 | 4 Orange |
Bessie, Bathtime | Friend | 3 | Orange | 2 | 3 Orange |
Bloomberg, Deep Roots | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Caramel, Cheerful Worker | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Coco Crusoe, Flipping Out | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Discord, Down to Earth | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | None |
Hughbert Jellius, Sticks Around | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 3 Orange |
Lyra, Good Posture | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | None |
Scootaloo, Practice Makes Perfect | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Applejack, Apple Teeny | Friend | 1 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Big Mac, Bass | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Toe-Tapper, Tenor | Friend | 3 | Orange/Pink | 3 | 1 Orange and 1 Pink |
Trouble Shoes, Rodeo Clown | Friend | 2 | Orange/Pink | 3 | 2 Orange and 2 Pink |
Golden Harvest, Bountiful Crop | Friend | 2 | Orange/Yellow | 3 | 2 Orange and 2 Yellow |
Apple Bloom, Re-Markable | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Cutie Mark Consultant | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | None |
Granny Smith, Apple Matriarch | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Sweetie Drops, Secret Agent | Friend | 3 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange | |
Sheriff Silverstar, Search Warrant | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Star Spur, Appleoosan Deputy | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | None |
Trixie, Rock Farmer | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | None |
Princess Luna, Night's Steward | Friend | 5 | Orange/Yellow | 4 | 3 Orange and 3 Yellow |
Trenderhoof, Trying Too Hard | Friend | 3 | Orange | 2 | 4 Orange |
Maud Pie, Not Amused | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Maud Pie, Not Amused (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Applejack, Protective Big Sis | Friend | 3 | Orange/Yellow | 3 | 3 Orange and 3 Yellow |
Apple Bloom, Bloomception | Friend | 2 | Orange | 1 | 4 Orange |
Applejack, A Hard Day's Work | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 3 Orange |
Cranky & Matilda, Dedicated Couple | Friend | 5 | Orange | 5 | 2 Orange |
Open Skies & Clear Skies, Cloud Movers | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Double Diamond, Air Drop | Friend | 2 | Orange | 4 | 4 Orange |
Bon Bon, Particularly Patient | Friend | 2 | Orange/Yellow | 2 | 1 Orange and 1 Yellow |
Snips & Snails, Minor Problem | Friend | 4 | Orange/Pink | 4 | 2 Orange and 2 Pink |
Trixie, Rock Farmer (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | None |
Applejack, Carbo-Loader (The Crystal Games Promo) | Friend | 4 | Orange | 3 | 4 Orange |
Shining Armor, Team Trainer | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Winona, Good Girl! | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Maud Pie, Pet Rocks | Friend | 2 | Orange | 3 | 4 Orange |
Hoity Toity, Discerning Eye | Friend | 2 | Orange/White | 3 | 3 Orange and 3 White |
Apple Bloom, Budding Apple | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 |
| |
Applejack, Rainbow Powered | Friend | 2 | Orange | 1 | 2 Orange |
Applejack, Tree Whisperer | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Braeburn, Good Seed | Friend | 2 | Orange | 1 | 3 Orange |
Double Diamond, Ski Champ | Friend | 3 | Orange | 4 | 4 Orange |
Granny Smith, Fit as a Fiddle | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Silver Shill, Secrets and Lies | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Davenport, Low Low Prices! | Friend | 2 | Orange/White | 2 | 2 Orange and 2 White |
Joe, Sticky Glaze | Friend | 2 | Orange/White | 1 | 2 Orange and 2 White |
Trenderhoof, Locale Critic | Friend | 3 | Orange/White | 3 | 3 Orange and 3 White |
Applejack, Mistress Mare-velous | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 3 Orange |
Big Mac, Princess for a Night | Friend | 4 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Apple Bloom, Forever a Crusader | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Smart Cookie, Equestrian Founder | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Maud Pie, Just a Pebble | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Time Patrol | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 2 Orange and 2 Purple |
Mystery Mare, In Costume | Friend | 2 | Multi | 1 | 3 Blue and 3 Orange |
Limestone Pie, Captain Grumpy | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 3 Orange and 3 Purple |
Rainbow Dash, One Winged Warrior | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 2 Blue and 2 Orange |
Applejack, Factory Organizer | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 1 Orange and 1 Purple |
Igneous Rock & Cloudy Quartz, Rock Ranchers | Friend | 2 | Orange | 1 | 4 Orange |
Bulk Biceps, Get Swole | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 2 Blue and 2 Orange |
Rainbow Dash, One Winged Warrior (Marks in Time Royal Rare) | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 2 Blue and 2 Orange |
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Time Patrol (Marks in Time Royal Rare) | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 2 Orange and 2 Purple |
Granny Smith, Family Founder | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Holder's Boulder, Key Stone | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 4 Orange |
Winona, Best Dog | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | None |
Orchard Blossom, Delicate Flower | Friend | 4 | Multi | 3 | 1 Blue and 1 Orange |
Dr. Hooves, Time Loop | Friend | 3 | Multi | 2 | 3 Orange and 3 Purple |
Big Mac, Little Big Brother | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Apple Bloom, Re-Markable (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | 1 Orange |
Applejack, Factory Organizer (Marks in Time Promo) | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 1 Orange and 1 Purple |
Orange Rock Token (High Magic) | Friend | 3 | Orange | None | None |
Orange Rock Token (High Magic) | Friend | 1 | Yellow | None | None |
Big Mac, Sir McBiggun | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Sweetie Belle, Most Traditional | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 2 Orange and 2 White |
Mr. Stripes, Pushy Pony | Friend | 5 | Multi | 4 | 3 Orange and 3 Purple |
Applejack, Captain of the Seven Seas | Friend | 5 | Orange | 5 | 3 Orange |
Limestone Pie, All Work and No Play | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 2 Orange |
Pow, Loyal Henchpony | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Golden Harvest, Caroller | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Apple Bloom, Fastest | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 2 Blue and 2 Orange |
Cheerilee, Cheerileeder | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 3 Orange and 3 Yellow |
Applejack, Holiday Spirit | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | None |
Appleloosa Buckball Team, Hail Marey | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Big Mac & Applejack, Big Mouths | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Double Diamond, Second in Command | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Filly Guides, House to House | Friend | 4 | Orange | 5 | 2 Orange |
Maud Pie, Counteroffer | Friend | 5 | Orange | 5 | 3 Orange |
Snails, Not Thinking About It | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Rainbow Dash & Applejack, Two Cool | Friend | 4 | Multi | 4 | 2 Blue and 2 Orange |
Applejack & Pinkie Pie, On the Ball | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 2 Orange and 2 Pink |
Granny Smith, Out of Bounds | Friend | 4 | Multi | 4 | 2 Orange and 2 Pink |
Coriander Cumin, Limited Menu | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 2 Orange and 2 Purple |
Orchard Blossom, A Whole New You | Friend | 2 | Multi | 4 | 2 Orange and 2 White |
Hooffields & McColts, Uneasy Truce | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 2 Orange and 2 Yellow |
Applejack, Captain of the Seven Seas (Defenders of Equestria Royal Rare) | Friend | 5 | Orange | 5 | 3 Orange |
Boyle, Power Up | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 3 Orange |
Applejack & Fluttershy, Treading Water | Friend | 1 | Multi | 1 | 1 Orange and 1 Yellow |
Applejack, Honest Pony | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | None |
Applejack, Honest Seapony | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 2 Orange |
Princess Luna, Midnight | Friend | 5 | Multi | 5 | 2 Orange and 2 Purple and 2 White |
Applejack, Pony Pirate | Friend | 4 | Multi | 3 | 3 Blue and 3 Orange |
Applejack, Festival Caterer | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 3 Orange |
Rescue Party, The Power of Friendship | Friend | 6 | Orange | 4 | 3 Orange |
Lix Spittle, Recipe for Disaster | Friend | 2 | Multi | 4 | 2 Orange and 2 Purple |
Big Mac, Big Eater | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Delivery Crew, Priority Mail | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 2 Orange |
Grubber, Baked Bads | Friend | 4 | Orange | 3 | 3 Orange |
Lix Spittle, Wayfaring Chef | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 1 Orange |
Red Delicious, Powerhorse | Friend | 7 | Orange | 4 | 4 Orange |
Seapony Guard, Defender of Seaquestria | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | 2 Orange |
Backup Dancers, Feel the Rhythm | Friend | 3 | Multi | 3 | 3 Orange and 3 Pink |
Jamal, Seaweed Wrap | Friend | 4 | Multi | 4 | 3 Orange and 3 White |
Seapony Duo, Flipper Floppers | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 3 Orange and 3 Yellow |
First Mate Mullet, Arrr You Ready? | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 2 Blue and 2 Orange |
Applejack & Twilight Sparkle, Soup Du Jour | Friend | 4 | Multi | 4 | 2 Orange and 2 Purple |
Applejack & Rarity, Odd Couple | Friend | 2 | Multi | 3 | 1 Orange and 1 White |
Haven Bay, Dive Right In | Friend | 1 | Multi | 1 | 1 Orange and 1 Pink |
Gallus & Smolder, Hot Headed | Friend | 2 | Multi | 2 | 1 Blue and 1 Orange |
Ember, Dragon Lord | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Maar, Minding Her Manners | Friend | 3 | Orange | 3 | 2 Orange |
Professor Fossil, Chipping Away | Friend | 4 | Orange | 4 | None |
Smolder, Student of Friendship | Friend | 2 | Orange | 2 | 1 Orange |
Rockhoof, Pillar of Strength | Friend | 1 | Orange | 1 | 1 Orange |
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- Apple Bloom, Forever a Crusader
- Apple Bloom, Re-Markable
- Apple Bloom, Re-Markable (Equestrian Odysseys Promo)
- Apple Bloom, Showstopper
- Apple Bumpkin, Caramel Coater
- Apple Cobbler (GenCon)
- Apple Cobbler, Headstrong
- Apple Strudel, Well Aged
- Applejack & Fluttershy, Treading Water
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- Applejack & Rarity, Odd Couple
- Applejack & Twilight Sparkle, Soup Du Jour
- Applejack (GenCon)
- Applejack, A Hard Day's Work
- Applejack, Apple Teeny
- Applejack, Applebucker
- Applejack, Barn Raiser
- Applejack, Breeziefied
- Applejack, Captain of the Seven Seas
- Applejack, Carbo-Loader
- Applejack, Carbo-Loader (The Crystal Games Promo)
- Applejack, Crystallized
- Applejack, Cutie Mark Consultant
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- Applejack, Factory Organizer (Marks in Time Promo)
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- Applejack, Farm Foremare (Premiere Promo)
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- Applejack, Plant Leader
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- Applejack, Protective Big Sis
- Applejack, Rainbow Powered
- Applejack, Summer Sun Caterer
- Applejack, Tree Whisperer
- Appleloosa Buckball Team, Hail Marey
- Auntie Applesauce, Gum Flapper
- Backup Dancers, Feel the Rhythm
- Bags Valet, Luggage Lackey
- Bessie, Bathtime
- Big Mac & Applejack, Big Mouths
- Big Mac, Bass
- Big Mac, Big Eater
- Big Mac, Biggest Brother
- Big Mac, Immense Apple
- Big Mac, Little Big Brother
- Big Mac, Princess for a Night
- Big Mac, Sir McBiggun
- Bloomberg, Deep Roots
- Bon Bon, Particularly Patient
- Boyle, Power Up
- Braeburn, Good Seed
- Bulk Biceps, Get Swole
- Caramel, Cheerful Worker
- Cheerilee, Cheerileeder
- Cherry Fizzy, Stalwart Soldier
- Cherry Jubilee (GenCon)
- Cherry Jubilee, Queen of the Hill
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- Coco Crusoe, Flipping Out
- Coco Crusoe, Thick Skinned
- Coriander Cumin, Limited Menu
- Crafty Crate (GenCon)
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- Davenport, Low Low Prices!
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- Discord, Down to Earth
- Doc Top, Pony Pediatrician
- Double Diamond, Air Drop
- Double Diamond, Second in Command
- Double Diamond, Ski Champ
- Dr. Hooves, Time Loop
- Drill Bit, Destruction Worker
- Gala Appleby, Refined Farmer
- Gallus & Smolder, Hot Headed
- Golden Harvest, Beyond Her Garden
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- Granny Smith (GenCon)
- Granny Smith, Apple Elder
- Granny Smith, Apple Matriarch
- Granny Smith, Family Founder
- Granny Smith, Fit as a Fiddle
- Granny Smith, Jar Judger
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- Granny Smith, Respect Your Elders
- Grubber, Baked Bads
- Maar, Minding Her Manners
- Maud Pie, Counteroffer
- Maud Pie, Just a Pebble
- Maud Pie, Let's Play "Camouflage"
- Maud Pie, Like a Rock
- Maud Pie, Like a Rock (The Crystal Games Promo)
- Maud Pie, Not Amused
- Maud Pie, Not Amused (Equestrian Odysseys Promo)
- Maud Pie, Pet Rocks
- Mr. Stripes, Pushy Pony
- Mystery Mare, In Costume
- Scootaloo, Practice Makes Perfect
- Seapony Duo, Flipper Floppers
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- Sheriff Silverstar, Confident Constable
- Sheriff Silverstar, Search Warrant
- Shining Armor, Team Trainer
- Ship Shape, Heavy Lifter
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- Silver Spanner, Nuts for Bolts
- Silverspeed, Eye in the Sky
- Smart Cookie, Equestrian Founder
- Smolder, Student of Friendship
- Snails, Not Thinking About It
- Snips & Snails, Minor Problem
- Spike, Statuesque
- Star Spur, Appleoosan Deputy
- Steam Roller, Juggernaut
- Sunny Smiles, Iconic Friend
- Sweetie Belle, Most Traditional
- Sweetie Drops, Secret Agent