My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki
Ice Cloud Calamity
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CrystalGames 178

Card Type Problem
Bonus Points 1
Your Req. 2 Blue + 1 non-Blue
Their Req. 4 wild
Game Text Starting Problem.
During faceoffs here, the player with the most Pegasus characters here gets +2 power.
Flavor Text Freezing a cloud makes it go from "light and fluffy" to "rock hard and downright dangerous."
Release Information
This Card's Artwork Comes From:
Season 4, Episode 24: Equestria Games
  • None
  • Showdown faceoffs do not have a specified location where they take place; this card's continuous ability does not apply during a Showdown faceoff involving characters located at this Problem. (514.2c)
