My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki
Rainbow Dash,
To the Rescue
This Card
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Premiere p001

Card Type Friend
Power 3
Color Blue
Cost 4
Play Req. 2 Blue
Traits Pegasus
Game Text Swift
Once per faceoff, if you would put a card flipped for a faceoff involving this card on the bottom of your deck, you may put it into your hand instead.
Flavor Text "Rainbow Dash?! Thank you, thank you!" - Scootaloo
Release Information
This Card's Artwork Comes From:
Season 3, Episode 6: Sleepless in Ponyville
  • The following game text has been replaced as of version 1.0 of the Official Card Reference:
    • (Old) After a faceoff involving this card, you may put one of the cards you flipped for the faceoff into your hand.
    • (New) Once per faceoff, if you would put a card flipped for a faceoff involving this card on the bottom of your deck, you may put it into your hand instead.
  • Swift only applies to a Main Phase move action (which is when a player pays 2 action tokens to move this character during their Main Phase) and stacks with the abilities of other cards that raise/lower the Main Phase move action cost. The cost to move a character with the Main Phase move action cannot go below 1 action token. (506.3) (609.2b)
