My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki
My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki
Savoir Fare,
Snooty Server
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Premiere 072

Card Type Friend
Power 2
Color White
Cost 2
Play Req. 2 White
Traits Earth Pony
Game Text Inspired
When you play this card to a Problem, choose another one of your characters at that Problem. It gets +2 power until the end of the turn.
Flavor Text After Spike's repeated attempts to order gems, Savoir's restaurant now offers Ruby Tuesdays.
Release Information
This Card's Artwork Comes From:
Season 1, Episode 3: The Ticket Master
  • None
  • Inspired is a stackable keyword; a player with X Inspired characters must look at X cards on the top of their opponent’s deck (all at once, not individually) and choose in what order those cards go back on the top and/or bottom of the deck.
